
5VG Xuanshu 悬枢 (懸樞)


Articles connexes : - 4VG - 6VG - Méridien-
WHO 2009


1. Dénomination

1.1. Traduction

Pivot [charnière]) (Nguyen Van Nghi 1971)
Axe suspendu (Pan 1993, Lade 1994)
Articulation suspendue (Laurent 2000)

1.2. Origine

1.3. Explication du nom

1.4. Noms secondaires

Xuánzhù 县柱[縣柱] (1) Yi xue ru men (Guillaume 1995)
  1. Xuan (Ricci 2080) ; Zhu (Ricci 1130) : colonne, poteau, pilier, soutenir, étayer.

1.5. Translittérations

1.6. Code alphanumérique

2. Localisation

2.1. Textes modernes

2.2. Textes classiques

2.3. Rapports et coupes anatomiques

2.4. Rapports ponctuels

3. Classes et fonctions

3.1. Classe ponctuelle

3.2. Classe thérapeutique

4. Techniques de stimulation

Acupuncture Moxibustion Source
Selon Tong ren, puncturer à 0,3 distance Appliquer 3 cônes de moxa. Zhen jiu ju ying(Guillaume 1995).
Piquer obliquement vers le haut, à 0,5-1 distance Cautériser 3-7 fois, chauffer 5-10 minutes Roustan 1979, Guillaume 1995, Laurent 2000

Sensation de puncture


* Li YD, Yang SD, Li JN, Li L. [Study on needling depth of dazhui (gv 14), jianzhongshu (si 15), xuanshu (gv 5) and mingmen (gv 4) with ct]. Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 2005;25(12):863-4.(chi). [124895].

OBJECTIVE: To provide reference for the safe needling depth of Dazhui (GV 14), Jianzhongshu (SI 15), Xuanshu (GV 5) and Mingmen (GV 4) in clinical acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. METHODS: Thirty-two adult volunteers were divided into 3 groups, thin person group, moderate person group and fat person group according to Luo's indexes, and computer-aided tomography was used to measure the needling depth of Dazhui (GV 14), Jianzhongshu (SI 15), Xuanshu (GV 5) and Mingmen (GV 4). RESULTS: The safe depths of perpendicular needling were different for persons of different somatotypes, for example the needling depth for Dazhui (GV 14) was (32.86 +/- 3.96) mm for the thin person group, (37.76 +/- 4.91) mm for the moderate person group, and (47.93 +/- 5.30) mm for the fat person group.

5. Indications

Classe d'usage - point mineur

5.1. Littérature moderne

5.2. Littérature ancienne

5.3. Associations

Indication Association Source

5.4. Revues des indications

6. Etudes cliniques et expérimentales

7. Références