关元 Guān yuán | 関元 | Qui renferme le Qi originel (Pan 1993) Pivot de la source (Lade 1994) Barrière de l'origine (Laurent 2000) | Barrière de la source (Nguyen Van Nghi 1971) Origin pass (Ellis 1989) |
Ling shu et Suwen (Deng 1993) Ling shu, chapitre “Han re bing” (Guillaume 1995)
Nom | Traduction française (Laurent 2000) | Traduction anglaise (Ellis 1989) | Source classique (Guillaume 1995) |
Guān yuán 关原 [關原] | barrière de l'origine | Source Pass | |
Dān tián 丹田 (1) | champ de cinabre | Cinnabar Field | Zi sheng jing |
Sān jié jiāo (GG) 三结交 [三結交] (2) | triple enlacement | Triple Intersection | Ling shu, chapitre Han re bing |
huangzhiyuan | origine des membranes | Origin of Huang | |
xiahuang | membrane inférieure | Lower Huang | |
Xià jí 下纪 [下紀] (3) | loi inférieure | Lower Regulator | Su wen, chapitre Qi xue lun |
Dà hǎi 大海 | grande mer | Great Sea | |
dakun | Great Reservoir | ||
Dà zhōng 大中 | grand centre | ||
Dà zhōng jí 大中极 [大中極] (4) | faîte du grand centre | Great Central Pole | Zi sheng jing |
Zi hù 子戶 | porte de l'enfant | Infant's Door | |
zigang | Infant's Palace | ||
Zi chù子处 [子處] | demeure de l'enfant | Infant's Place | |
Zi cháng 子肠 [子腸] | Infant's Intestine | ||
Wǔ chéng 五城 | 5 remparts | Fifth City | |
Cì mén 次门 [次門] (5) | porte secondaire | Second Gate | Jia yi jing |
Xuè shì 血室 | chambre du sang | Blood Chamber | |
Xuè hǎi 血海 | mer du sang | Sea of Blood | |
liji | force propice | Crux Disinhibitor | |
Mìng mén 命门 [命門] | porte de la vitalité | Life Gate | |
Kūnlún 昆仑 [崑侖] | Kunlun | Kunlun Mountains | |
chuijiang | Fallen Sauce | ||
chishu | pivot directeur | Junior Pivot | |
baomen | porte de l'utérus | Bladder Gate | |
qihai | mer du Qi | Sea of Qi | |
Chǎn mén 产门 [產門] | porte de l'engendrement | Delivery Gate | |
bo yang | Navel | ||
niaoshui nishui | urine | Urine | |
jinglu | Jing révélé | Essential Dew | |
zigong | utérus | ||
zichang | utérus | ||
yucheng | ville de jade | ||
Xiǎo cháng mù 小肠募 [小腸募] | Mu de l'intestin grêle |
14Rn | 5VC | 14Rn |
13Rn | ↑ ← 4VC → ↓ | 13Rn |
12Rn | 3VC | 12Rn |
latéral | côté droit | médial |
Acupuncture | Moxibustion | Source |
Piquer obliquement vers le bas à 1,5-2 distances | 3-7 fois, chauffer 10-20 minutes | Roustan 1979 |
Perpendicular insertion 0.5-1.0 inch or inferior oblique insertion 1.5-2.0 inches. | 3-9 cones; stick 10-30 minutes. | Chen 1995 |
Puncture perpendiculaire entre 1 et 1,5 distance de profondeur | Cautérisation avec 5 à 10 cônes de moxa, moxibustion pendant 15 à 30 minutes | Guillaume 1995 |
Piqûre perpendiculaire de 1 à 2 cun | Moxas : 7 à 100 ; chauffer 20 à 30 mn | Laurent 2000 |
Sensation de puncture
sensation de gonflement local (Roustan 1979)
Needle sensation: local soreness, swelling and numbness, sometimes radiating to the external genital region or the umbilical region. (Chen 1995)
Classe d'usage | ★★ | point majeur |
Indication | Association | Source |
Métrorragies | 4VC + 1Rte + 10Rte +36E | Roustan 1979 |
Parasitose | 4VC + 3F | Roustan 1979 |
Affections urétrales | 4VC + 9Rte + 6Rte | Roustan 1979 |
Anurie ou rétention d'urines | 4VC + 39V | Roustan 1979 |
Qi long avec urines jaunes | 4VC + 9Rte | Jia yi jing (Guillaume 1995) |
Diarrhée dysentériforme traînante | 4VC + 3Rn | Zi sheng jing (Guillaume 1995) |
Pollakiurie | 4VC + 1Rn | Zi sheng jing (Guillaume 1995) |
Enflure unilatérale d'un testicule | 4VC + 1F | Da Cheng (Guillaume 1995) |
Polyménorrhée, dans un syndrome plénitude | 4VC + 10Rte + 8Rte + 6Rte ; dans un syndrome vide : 4VC + 6VC + 10Rte + 8Rte + 6Rte + 2F | Zhong hua zhen jiu xue(Guillaume 1995) |
Métrorragies | 4VC + 1Rt + 10Rte + 36E | Shanghai zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Chilurie de !a filariose | 4VC + 6Rte | Shanghai zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Affections uréthrales | 4VC + 9Rte + 6Rte | Shanghai zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Uréthrite | 4VC + 7P + 8F + 6Rte | Zhong guo zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Rétention d'urine | 4VC + 39V | Shanghai zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Douleur abdominale et diarrhée | 4VC + 27V + 25E + 36E | Zhen jiu xue jian bian (Guillaume 1995) |
Impuissance | 4VC + 4VG + 23V + 3Rn + 20VG | Zhong guo zhen jiu xue gai yao (Guillaume 1995) |
Méno-métrorragies | 4VC + 1Rte | Zhong guo zhen jiu xue gai yao (Guillaume 1995) |
Humidité-chaleur avec hernie-shan qi | 4VC + 29E + 3F + 9Rte + 6Rte | Si ban jiao coi zhen jiu xue (Guillaume 1995) |
Mingmen DU-4, literally translated as the “Gate of Life”, is a point of the Governing vessel located below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra. Lateral to it are Shenshu BL-23 and Zhishi BL-52, reflecting its close relation to Kidney qi. Guanyuan REN-4 lies on the Conception vessel, 3 can below the umbilicus, and its name “Gate of Origin” indicates that it is where the primordial qi is stored, or where the essence of the male and the blood of the female are stored. The two points Guanyuan REN-4 and Mingmen DU-4 are related in that one is at located at the front at the front of the body and one is at the back, one is lower and one is higher, and one pertains to yin and one pertains to yang. That is why it is recorded in the Nanjing (Classic on Medical Problems) that their location is “where the qi between the Kidneys moves”. This qi is also known as the “qi of the pubic region” and is the source of life. The combined use of these two points has the effect of both nourishing yin without injuring yang, and reinforcing yang without damaging yin, so that both yin and yang are reinforced, the balance between yin and yang is achieved, the Kidney essence is nourished, the primordial qi is enhanced and the lower jiao is reinforced. The author's experience in the combined use of these two points is summarised as follows.
Este módulo de regulación que hoy se sugiere, desde algún punto de vista, se sale de la horma cotidiana del trabajo clínico de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Pero si nos sumergimos un poquito en el significado de por qué estos resonadores son los que van a darle sentido a un sistema de regulación, probablemente no resulte tan ajena su conjunción.
Todos los resonadores seleccionados, están localizados en la línea media, en la parte delantera. Hay dos del canal de TU MAI: YINTANG Y RENZHONG. El resto pertenecen al REN MAI : TIANTU, SHANZHONG Y GUANYUAN.
Elixir Field, or Dan Tian, is the area where energy is stored and nourished in the body according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Although Dan Tian stimulation is a major concept in Qigong healing and has been practiced for thousands of years, and while there are some recent empirical evidence of its effect, its neurophysiological basis remains unknown. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study brain activations associated with external stimulation of the lower Elixir Field in ten normal subjects, and compared the results with the stimulation of their right hands. While right-hand stimulation resulted in left postcentral gyrus activation, stimulation of the lower Elixir Field resulted in bilateral activations including the medial and superior frontal gyrus, middle and superior temporal gyrus, thalamus, insula, and cingulate gyrus. These findings suggest that stimulation of the Elixir Field is not only associated with activation of the sensory motor cortex but also with cortical regions that mediate planning, attention, and memory.
Guan Yuan (4 R.M.) est le point de jonction entre le Ren Mai et les trois Méridiens Yin du pied. Il peut renforcer les Reins et consolider les fondements énergétiques, accroître le Yuan Qi, réchauffer le Centre et disperser le Froid, conserver le Jing et empêcher la fuite de ce dernier. Point de jonction entre le Du Mai et les Méridiens Yang, Bai Hui (20 D.M.) peut fortifier le cerveau et calmer le Shen, rétablir le Yang et empêcher les fuites ainsi que les prolapsus, faire monter le Yang et soulever l'effondrement. Guan Yuan (4 R.M.) est un point Yin alors que Bai Hui (20 D.M.) est un point Yang. Ensemble, ils se renforcent dans les actions de réchauffer, de tonifier, de garder en place (sperme, urines), de faire monter (organes en prolapsus). Le champ d'application de cette combinaison de points est très large. j'apporte quelques expériences personnelles dans l'usage de ces deux points combinés.
Objective To investigate the effect of suspended moxa stick moxibustion on points Shenshu(BL23) and Guanyuan(CV4) on the pituitary-adrenal axis and the pituitary-thyroid axis in rats with kidney yang deficiency. Method A rat model of corticosterone kidney yang deficiency was made by intramuscular injection of hydrocortisone. The rats were randomized into model control and moxibustion treatment groups. A blank control group was set up. The moxibustion treatment group received suspended moxa stick moxibustion on points Shenshu and Guanyuan 20 min once daily, for a total of 14 times. After the completion of treatment, serum CORT, ACTH, T3, T4 and TSH contents were measured by ELISA and pituitary expressions of ACTH and TSH mRNA were determined by RT-PCR. Result There was no significant difference in serum CORT (P>0.05), there were significant differences in serum ACTH, T4 and TSH and pituitary ACTH and TSH mRNA (P<0.05) and there was a very significant difference in serum T3 (P<0.01) between the moxibustion treatment and model control groups. There were no significant differences in the above indicators between the moxibustion treatment and blank control groups (P>0.05). Conclusion Suspended moxa stick moxibustion on points Shenshu and Guanyuan produces a therapeutic effect on rat kidney yang deficiency by decreasing serum TSH content, down-regulating pituitary TSH mRNA expression, increasing serum ACTH, T3 and T4 contents and up-regulating pituitary ACTH mRNA expression.
The objective of this work is to study the effect of the moxibustion in the acupointsShu-Mo corresponding to Wei (stomach) and to Xiaochang (smallintestine)in gastrointestinal motility Material- 68 female EPM-I/Wistar rats were used, weight ranging from 195 to 230 grams;pasty substance made of powdered coal (28.57%), powdered Arabic gum (28.57%), and filtered water (42.85%), and moxa in stick.Methods - The animals were kept on a 24 hour fast, randomly distributed in 4 groups of 17 female rats each, submitted the administration of 1.5 ml of the pasty substance of coal, with previous superficial anesthesia of sulfuric ether, and submitted to the following procedures. Control Group (1): The female rats were returned to the cage. MOXA GROUP (11): The female rats were kept under anesthesia with sulfuncether, the acupoints B-21 (Weishu), B-27(Xiaochangshu), VC-12 (Zhongwan) and VC-4 (Guanyuan) were located and the moxibustion technique was performed for 5 minutes under narcosis. At the end of moxibustion the female rats were returned to the cage. Sham Group (IlI):non-acupoints were located (bilateral anterior axillary area) and the moxibustion technique was performed for 5 minutes, under narcosis. Ether Group (IV): The female rats were kept under an esthesia with sulfuric ether for 5 minutes. At the end of the scheduled time, they were returned to the cage. All animals in the 4 groups were sacrificed with sulfuric ether in the twentieth minute of the experiment. Surgical removal of the small intestine and clamping of the distal portion reached by the coal were performed, and the progression distance of coal since the pylorus and the total length of the small intestine were measured. Results - Kruskal-WalJis points variance analysis and the multi comparison test showed that groups Control and Moxa did not present much difference, and had an absolute progression of coal that was significantly longer them Sham and Ether groups. As to the length of the small intestine, no significant value among the groups was found. Vanance analysis of Kruskal-WaDispoints showed as regards the percent ratio (coal progression/length of smal intestine), that the Control and Moxa groups did not vary significantly and that they exhibited a significantly higher percent than the values observed in the Sham and Ether Groups.
6Rte et 4VC. Obtention du deqi et aiguilles laissées en place pendant 20 à 30 minutes. 2 séances par semaines, séries de 10 séances. Traitement de 230 cas. Guérison dans 92 cas (81 cas en 1 série et 11 cas en 2 à 4 séries). Amélioration significative (supérieure à 50 %) dans 29 cas (19 en 1 série et 10 en 2 à 3 séries). Amélioration (50 %) dans 78 cas (65 en 1 série et 13 en 2 à 3 séries). Echec dans 31 cas (10 ont subi plus de 1 série).